Heart Reef



Famous Heart Reef situated off the coast of the Whitsunday Islands.
An unbelievable sight. The natural formation of reef known as Heart Reef seems closer to fantasy than reality. Heart Reef is quite small and is situated in the midst of a large enclosed reef.

location: Whitsundays, camera: Tomiyama, lens Nikkor SW90, film: Fuji 100ASA, shutter speed: 1/125 seconds, filters: polarized, time and conditions: mid-day, limited edition: 360 


ONLINE SHOP: Purchase Heart Reef Limited Edition photographic print.

Available as Limited Edition photographic prints, sizes from 100 x 32cm (6 x 20 inch) to 300 x 96cm (38 x 120 inch). Printed on the finest grade photographic paper, signed and numbered. Acrylic ‘Face-Mount’ framing is also available.



For pricing and purchase information please refer to the ‘PURCHASE‘ page, or go directly to my ONLINE SHOP.


A client example of Heart Reef at the 175cm 6mm Acrylic Glass

A client example of Heart Reef at the 175cm 6mm Acrylic Glass


Contact Ric J Steininger Gallery:

Facebook: Ric Steininger Photographer
Secure Online Shop:
Ric Steininger Photographer

Cairns Gallery
Address: Shop 22/1-3 Coondoo Street, Kuranda
Cairns City, Queensland Australia
Postal: PO Box 12269d, Cairns  QLD  4870
tel: +61 (0)7 4052-1533
Facebook: Ric Steininger
