Chapter 47 Jesus your Teacher 1: and Instructor


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#47 Jesus your Teacher 1: and Instructor


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Day #47: Kingly Christ
“Jesus your Teacher (1): and Instructor”

But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father’, for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. (Matthew 23:8-12 NIV)

Who can instruct you in the things of Heaven? Who can lead you deeper and deeper into the Holy Presence of the Lord? Who can take you by your hand and lead you even into the Holy of Holies? Who can set you up on the Table of the Lord and feed you your Daily Bread and of the New Wine of Heaven? Who can raise you to truly be an overcomer, to truly be victorious and triumphant? Who can Anoint you in the Holy Spirit and Fire, who can fill you in the Holy Spirit and Power? Who can bring healing to your soul and set you free from all your brokenness, from all the hurts and pains inflicted upon you throughout your life, or that have come up through your family line? Who can truly free you from depression and oppression, from hopelessness and despair and set your feet on solid ground? Who can heal your flesh and that of your loved ones and friends? Who is the saviour of your soul? It is only the Person of Jesus who is your Teacher, the Person of Jesus who is your Instructor; Jesus your Atonement, Jesus the Lover of your soul, Jesus your Friend and King.

Who can build you up in such strength and such vitality, who can build you in such understanding, such hope and faith? Who can lead you into the Secret things of the Lord, into the Hidden things, the things that are very close in the Father’s Heart? Who can take out of the Treasure room of God and Gift you? Who can do this for you? Who can truly lead you into a fuller understanding of the legal rights that the Blood has achieved for you, the legal rights that the Cross has established for you, and who can lift you up and make you able to freely walk in them all? Who can lead you into the level of the authority of the Kingdom to calm storms and move mountains? Who can Anoint and Arm you in the Spirit of God to break demonic strongholds and to loose and to bind? This can only be given you of Heaven by the Person of Jesus; and just as you have given yourself fully to Him, He gives Himself fully to you.

Truly it is upon this Rock of Revelation that comes from the mouth of God into the heart and soul of a man in which the Father builds His Church. Truly it is by the Word that proceeds straight from the mouth of God and written into the very heart and soul of the believer that establishes you in the things of God. It is the Spirit of God of whom takes from Jesus and inserts (John 16:14-15 AMPC), establishes, and makes ‘flesh’ and real the Living Word alive and active in you today … and it is only the King who can Anoint. Man can disciple you whilst pointing to Jesus, encouraging you in Him, but it is only the Person of Jesus that is the one we are called to follow (John 21:22). Man may disappoint you as you may disappoint others, but Jesus never disappoints. It is only Jesus who can come and gift you of the Fire of the Holy Spirit and Power. I, as a mere man, am not even worthy to untie His sandals (Matt. 3:11).

Jesus Christ is NOT DEAD!: believers believe that Jesus rose from the dead, but by the way they live act as though He is dead or far removed. In this opening Scripture, Jesus expresses clearly to you that you are able to approach Him yourself: Jesus teaching you as your Teacher and guiding you as your Instructor – in Person! Jesus who is not dead but IS alive, it is He that comes upon your life as you truly open your heart unto Him, and the more that you open your heart the more that He comes. It is with He, the Messiah, of whom you can sit in His Presence right here and now today, at His very feet, and He personally ministering into you and building you up in the things of the Kingdom of God. The Father ‘prophesying’ directly into your soul and this regardless of your stature, regardless of your age, regardless of your nationality, and regardless of your sense of unworthiness. You, yourself, can go directly to Him in faith and He openly receives you. And His increasing Presence upon your life places such a deep sense of Life and Purpose, and this regardless of what is before you.

This IS the Way of the Gospel, this IS the Way of the Kingdom of God, this IS the Doorway to the outpouring of the Spirit of God, this IS the way of a continuing Revival, and His Name is Christ Jesus. He who was crucified but has risen again IS alive, He IS Resurrected, He IS near and close to anyone who might truly seek Him. Jesus today IS your Teacher, Jesus today IS your Instructor, Jesus today IS your Messiah and Jesus alone IS able to bring you, lead you, guide you, and raise you in the Holy Spirit’s Fire! Our personal hearts turned unto Him is as a kindling for the Fire He came to bring.

And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will. (2 Cor. 8:5 NIV)

Man guides you to the Lord, but it is the Lord who has the position to raise you and build you up and equip you of Heaven. Man points you to Jesus and do their best to shepherd your soul, but it is Jesus Himself of whom IS your Great Shepherd, so you need learn to go directly to Him. It is most important to have people guiding you in the Lord, within your local church body; you encouraging them and they you, but do not despise the Presence of Jesus Himself (Matt. 11:6). Do not replace your God who is King making man king in His place (1 Sam. 8:7-8), don’t replace Jesus with a mere man (Acts 17:11), and do not replace the Honour and Praise that comes from the only God with the honour and praise of your “brothers” (John 5:43-44).

Jesus is not very far from anyone of us, “He is in your mouth and in your heart” (Acts 17:27, Deut. 30:14, Rom. 10:8). He is in what you say, what you declare, what you proclaim, and in what bubbles up from your soul and speak over your own life. He is the Word made flesh, so as you speak what He reveals in your heart He openly looks out over His Word spoken through you to perform and to fulfil it all (Jer. 1:12). To bring about the Word, who is Christ Jesus, manifest in all that He has declared, spoken, stated, and promised. They are not separate from you but He who is in your heart and upon your lips comes out Himself manifest in and through your life.

Jesus is purposed to change you so that you may carry a greater Anointing and a greater capacity to carry the Glory and Presence of God.

Jesus in Person IS the Answer, He alone IS the Author and Perfecter of your faith. Jesus instructs your soul and leads you in all things pertaining to Life. He instructs you how to approach Heaven and that Heaven may truly come upon your life and your family’s life, and He desires to burst through your life to the blessing of your city and country. Truly you are a Gateway for the Kingdom of God, truly you are a Gateway of the Love and Power of God. It is Jesus Himself who prepares the way for you to walk under an increased open Heaven, and increasingly under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Anointing of the Lord.

Gain a hunger for the Manna from Heaven, a hunger that is greater than the needs before you and the food for your stomach. For the Words that proceed from the mouth of God are more than words: they are for the Anointing of the Spirit of God, an Open Heaven, Revelation like a river, and the Holy Spirit’s Fire!

Come and learn how to sit at His feet for His Words are Life and they are Spirit (John 6:63); and to these very things you will sense increasingly so alive upon your soul. Come meet with Jesus in the secret place, come sit down and wait upon the Lord and as He speaks into you, your life is continually uplifted in the Lord. As He Personally shares with you, your life is deeply and richly strengthened in the Lord. The believer needs to learn how to go to Jesus themselves and be encouraged in this, just as a little eagle has to learn how to get out of the nest and fly, so do you. Otherwise, you are left prey to the snake and the wolf. But you are called to ‘mount up on wings’ not grovel around frail on the ground, without the gift of flight; in the very ring of the Enemy. The wisdom and might of man is of value, but the Wisdom and Might of the Lord is everlasting to everlasting; today unto forever more.

I tell you then, do not let anyone deceive you with false arguments, no matter how good they seem to be … Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. (Col. 2:4-7)

Jesus Instructs you, He Teaches you, He takes you by your hand and leads into unspeakable things. One Word of the Lord heals your flesh, one Word of the Lord awakens your soul. One Word of the Lord sets you free from deeply rooted blockages and strongholds over your life. When you sit and wait upon the Lord you, yourself, are giving Him full rights to come and speak over you; He the Living Word God. Jesus is your Teacher so come personally to Him; His arms are so open wide. He only wishes that someone out there might believe enough and come personally to Him in love and longing of heart, and not under a sense of religious practices and human reasoning and law.

Through the Cross Jesus has come as a Friend and a Brother to you even though He is King and Lord. He came to bring you Personally to Himself. He who shed His Blood and died brutally for you … surely you realise that He will strive for anyone who honestly wishes to inquire, seek, and love Him. He is not far from any of us. He has been crying out for you since before you were born and has prepared you even for this very moment that you might come decide in your heart to seek Him and truly make Him Lord over your life. Truly coming to Him and making Him your Teacher and Instructor. It is in this that He prepares you and Anoints you of the Holy Spirit and Power, even the very Fire of God.


Come sit at the feet of Jesus:
– praise and worship –
– meditating upon the Word of God –
– prayer and fasting –
– regular communion, even daily –
– seeking His Face –
– an invitational and an inquiring heart –
– seeking His manifest Presence –
– seeking His Fruits and Gifts –
– seeking intimacy, the closest of relationship and walk –
– seeking the Holy Spirit’s Fire –


Don’t wait until some calamity comes upon your life before you bow down in honest worship and seek the Face of God. Don’t wait until cancer ravishes a loved one, or someone close and dear to you is overcome with some terrible horror before you draw yourself near to the Lord. For how then are you ever going to bring the Power of God? You will search far and wide for answers, even your very faith may wane … is this what your Saviour Christ Jesus has purposed for you, to live a life of indifference whilst you still have breath in your lungs? No, right now is the time for you to seek the Face of God, while you have hope and while you have strength. And while you have time to praise the Name of Jesus and seek a greater and increasing greater measure of His Presence, His Grace, His Glory, His Revelation, and His Anointing upon your life. Get yourself off ‘junk food’ and press into the Bread of Life of whom is of Heaven and be nourished in spirit, soul, mind, and body in the Lord of Glory. Heaven is not far from anyone of us but is near to all who seek the Lord with all their heart. Do not follow the ways of religion and indifference, but unto the Lord of Glory who is Alive and most ever Present to all who love and seek His Face. Don’t follow the powerless Gospel presented by man, but follow the Gospel of Power that is in Christ Jesus.

Pray this prayer with me. ‘Thank you Lord, thank you that you are alive in me. Please change the culture of my soul and of my thinking, may I come to you as One who is alive and who is right here with me. Lord, I seek your Person, I seek your Face, please rise me up in you in the Glory of your Presence. You alone are my Teacher, you alone in me are my Instructor. I respect and honour those of whom you have put in charge over me, in Jesus Name. It is you I serve, hence I serve my local church with all my heart and in all integrity. I will continue to serve those within my care with my heart wholly set upon you alone. In Jesus Name. Amen’.





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